Nursery DIY: Dixie Cup Night-Light

I saw this project originally from, and decided this would be the perfect kick-off endeavor for our nursery. This will be our night light for our little peanut, but I can imagine that it would be great as wedding decoration or on your mantle above your fireplace. For whatever the occasion, this was a fun craft and it was low-cost! Could it get any better?

I was able to find everything I needed at Hobby Lobby except for the Dixie cups. I bought those at Target. Here is your supply list:

*Strand of Christmas lights (I used a 35-count), Dixie cups (bathroom size), your choice of scrapbook paper, double-sided tape, an Exacto knife, and scissors (not pictured).

Step 1: You will need to make a template of scrapbook paper that will fit around the Dixie cup. I did this by cutting a one of my Dixie cups in half and laying it flat on my scrapbook paper. Using a pencil or pen, trace around the flattened out cup. Then, cut along your life and …Wa-La! You have your template for the rest of your project! Note: make sure your template fits around a cup before you continue on! It may take a couple of tries to get it just right.

Step 2: Mark a medium-sized ‘X’ on the bottom of the Dixie cups. Take an Exacto knife a carefully slit along the ‘X’.

Step 3: Using double-sided tape on both ends of your cut-out paper, wrap tightly around the Dixie cup.

Step 4: Insert into lights, until each light is complete with a Dixie cup!

Hang where desired, plug in the cord of lights, and enjoy!

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