Reflections of a 15-Week Old Mama


Do you like that picture above? Just a typical day at the Fowler residence.

Some of my fondest moments from college were the late-night girl talks I use to have on {at least} a weekly basis. We would talk about all kinds of things, but the main stuff: growing up, getting married, and starting a family. Side note: I did not go to college to find my husband and get married (or as some have named it, the MRS. degree), but I did meet my handsome husband in college and we did get married a month before I graduated.

Fast forward 4 years, and hey-o! I’m a mama. And I like it. And you have moments like right now where I am typing with one hand and holding baby in the other because Benjamin loves to be held and doesn’t seem to be content any other way. And I’m okay with that. No, I love that.

Let’s get one thing straightened out first: I was prideful on the idea of parenting before our baby arrived.  Oh, no sleep? No problem! Lots of crying? It can’t be that bad!

And then Benjamin arrived. One of the greatest days of my life. Also, one of the scariest. You can read about the birth here. To say the least, the only thing on our pre-baby “birth plan” that actually went according to plan was – get baby out! Humbling, indeed. The first two weeks of parenthood were spent in the NICU and I think I cried more tears than consumed calories in that time.

Although my journey has been different than most, I thought I would reflect upon the last 15 weeks. It’ll be good for my soul, and maybe yours.

1. Being a parent is pure joy. I love it. Yes, it has it’s moments of despair {is that just me?} but the joy that comes from being a mom to my baby is just … the best. I love his smile, the way he laughs, the way he tries to talk and his big blue eyes. There is a crazy kind of love that just exudes from your heart. It’s indescribable. Psalm 127:3-5 (MSG) “Don’t you see that children are God’s best gift? The fruit of the womb his generous legacy? Like a warrior’s fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth. Oh, how blessed are you parents,with your quivers full of children! Your enemies don’t stand a chance against you; you’ll sweep them right off your doorstep.”

2. I’m tired. And, that’s okay. I’m not tired of my son, I am just physically tired and I find myself napping more than I did in college. I now think 6am is late now! I recently came to the realization that I have entered the land of minimal sleep and there isn’t really a time to return back until maybe my children are teenagers. Maybe?

3. Community is key. Let’s get real. I’ve had {and will continue to have} moments where I feel lonely in my journey with motherhood. It’s overwhelming to be the main source of nurturing and care for my child. But, when you have a community of people who encourage you and rejoice in helping you … it makes the journey more fun. Proverbs 15:22 “Where there is no counsel, purposes are frustrated, but with many counselors they are accomplished.” It takes a village!

4. It starts with a grateful heart. I’m reading a fantastic book called One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. There is so much wisdom and insight in this book, but it is basically about finding thanks in all things … thank thanksgiving precedes the miracle. By being thankful for all things, I am beginning to see glory in the mundane. Instead of being annoyed with the 8 bottles I have to clean each night, I am thankful that I even have bottles to clean {considering my baby was near death when he was born}. I’m grateful for my husband’s clothes lying on the ground right next to the hamper because it means he’s still alive and home and I get the privilege of being his wife and best friend. By the way: I still have my moments of sheer anxiety when I get unsurmountable NICU bills or moments of frustration when my husband leaves out all the dishes – I am still working on this {and will be for the rest of my life!}.

5. My house is messy and the laundry isn’t always done. But, I’ve realized that you have to know + embrace the season you are in. I have a 3 month old, which requires a lot of attention. In this season, my dishes will pile up sometimes and my floors won’t always be freshly swept when guests come over. And, that’s okay. Just like weather seasons, this season will come and go. Embrace + ENJOY the season you are currently in!

The Family

The Family


love + marriage + baby

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes girl with a baby carriage!

13 weeks 5 days

Uh … that happened to me. In April 2009, we fell in love. In November 2010, we got married. In July 2012, we discovered that we were having baby.

So, this is our story. Our story of being married and the lessons that we learn, the pregnancy and it’s highlights, my new found passion for baking + cooking, my attempt to display the DIY projects as I try to make our home a home, and eventually the adventures of parenthood! Let’s do this!


p.s. I am doing a switch from Blogger to WordPress for a lot of reasons. So, I’m starting from scratch!